Monday, May 21, 2012


Claustro de Georges Sands
Garden of Sa Coma, Valdemosa

In these two landscapes the Spanish (Catalan) painter Santiago Rusinol (February 25, 1861 - 1931) uses daringly bright greens to evoke the intense light of the mediterranean summer.
Rusinol was particularly fond of painting gardens, and was a supporter of modernism, who influenced Picasso.


  1. I was in Valdemosa in June-July this year and loved the town, plus its connection to music and literature. However I have never seen Valdemosa represented in paintings before.

  2. Hi Hels.
    Looks like a wonderful place to explore. Must get there one of these days.
    I've only visited Granada and Barcelona, though my father did a big road trip all over Spain several years ago.
    Spanish landscape painting seems to be a bit neglected.
