Images of paintings from the western landscape genre, mostly in oil. A reference resource for landscape painters and art lovers.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Claustro de Georges Sands
Garden of Sa Coma, Valdemosa
In these two landscapes the Spanish (Catalan) painter Santiago Rusinol (February 25, 1861 - 1931) uses daringly bright greens to evoke the intense light of the mediterranean summer.
Rusinol was particularly fond of painting gardens, and was a supporter of modernism, who influenced Picasso.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Philip Wolfhagen
Third Exaltation
The study of clouds was my first interest within the genre of landscape painting and every few years I return to the subject with renewed enthusiasm. Often I am driven by dissatisfaction with my earlier efforts, always striving for a more refined palette and a lighter touch.
The study of clouds was my first interest within the genre of landscape painting and every few years I return to the subject with renewed enthusiasm. Often I am driven by dissatisfaction with my earlier efforts, always striving for a more refined palette and a lighter touch.
Third exaltation is one of a series of five large cloud paintings from 2011. In this painting I have worked over a pale citrus yellow ground, concentrating on paring back tonality to its bare minimum and allowing colour temperature to define pictorial depth.
- Philip Wolfhagen, 2012
This large scale work (I think it's about 3 x 3 m) was a finalist in the Wynne Prize this year, perhaps the most prestigious landscape prize in Australia.
Using a warm orange or yellow ground lends vibrancy to the blues and greys in skies.