Monday, August 24, 2009

John Glover

Sun Rise, Shropshire

The English painter John Glover is well known in Australia as one of the first Europeans to depict the Australian landscape. The pink in the clouds makes the neutral hues in the trees appear a very subtle green. Without the pink, this landscape would be a lifeless sepia. If the green hues were brighter they would detract from the delicacy of the evening sky. Colour, used in this contextual way, is magical.

Ric Amor

Hanging Rock, 58 x 90 cm

Ric Amor is a contemporary Australian  painter whose work has a dreamlike quality. Hanging Rock has a mysterious, ominous presence in the Australian psyche due to the movie Picnic at Hanging Rock.

Friday, August 14, 2009

David Larned - American

Hill Town, Oil on Canvas, 13.5 x 13.5 Inches

Jeremy Mann - American

Noon Down Leavenworth, Oil on Panel, 10 x 13 inches, 2008

This work successfully captures the haze obscuring objects in the distance. Tonal contrasts are much greater in the foreground.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Peter Simpson - Australian

It's often said that artists and galleries avoid green paintings. It's difficult to mix convincing greens. But I love the green in these pieces.